Graduation Season

“Education… now seems to me perhaps the most authoritarian and dangerous of all the social inventions of mankind. It is the deepest foundation of the modern slave state, in which most people feel themselves to be nothing but producers, consumers, spectators, and ‘fans,’ driven more and more, in all parts of their lives, by greed, envy, and fear. My concern is not to improve ‘education’ but to do away with it, to end the ugly and antihuman business of people-shaping and to allow and help people to shape themselves.”

John Holt — (1923-1985)
American author and educator
Proponent of homeschooling, and pioneer in youth rights theory

Note the photo in the link above. This photo was chosen to serve as the cover of a homeschooling curriculum catalog. It is supposed work within the reader a sense of nostalgia for a more wholesome time.

The idea that education should take place in the shadow of the cross is something we can salute. Having said that though, the picture

1.) Has children gathering in a school. Much of the Christian community believes that the Scriptures teach that parents are responsible for their children’s education. Why would a homeschooling company reinforce the idea of public schooling by using a public school (even if nostalgic) as their photo for their curriculum catalog?

2.) Note the predominance of the flag. It is placed above the shadow of the cross. It is preeminent and is what draws the viewers eye. Of course in flag decorum the highest flag is the flag with the most honor.

3.) Since it is the State, and the humanist agenda it is pushing, which homeschoolers are struggling against, why does the flag have such a prominent place? Is there something of a hint here of wrapping the cross in the flag? Christians need to realize the dangers of reducing Christianity to a civil religion. The Cross is not Red, White, and Blue. Patriotism — love for country — in our current climate might better be represented by having a photo without a flag so prominently displayed.

4.) The danger that the photo might represent is to reinforce in people’s minds the centrality of the State. By combining this version of what might be called “Judeo-Christianity” with homeschooling what might end up being produced by homeschoolers is little homeschool Statists who are better Statists than the pagan children statists created by the Government schools since our homeschool Statists have become convinced that Christianity and Patriotism are two streams that flow together. Let us say it plainly. Our children, in this climate, ought not to be educated unaware of the designs of the current post Christian West as those designs are incarnated in the State. In point of fact, our children should be educated to know why the humanist American state, needs to be resisted.

During this graduation season what might we look for in homeschool graduates?

1.) Your children graduated knowing the words “catechism,” “confession,” or “creed.”

Whether you know it or not you have catechized your child, even if you have done so without a set catechism. The advantage of education your child with a set catechism (Heidelberg, Westminster, etc.) is that they will have a well grounded understanding in their undoubted catholic Christian faith. Children who are not catechized regarding their Christianity are typically (allowing for the occasional exception) not grounded in their faith and are apt to surrender their uninformed Christianity with the first gale wind of an opposing faith system.

2.) Your children know that all education is driven by some faith system consideration and is what it is because of the theology from which it flows.

3.) Your children know that Thomas Jefferson desired as the motto for the seal of this nation, “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.”

4.) Your children know that none of our founding documents teach that this nation is “indivisible.”

5.) Your children make a connection between 1 million dead babies every year and the impact that reality should have on their “patriotism.”

6.) Your children are aware of the concept of “States Rights,” and understand that the States were originally intended to serve as check and balance to the Federal government.

7.) Your children are epistemologically self conscious and are on the road to becoming ever more so.

8.) When asked about “Calvin,” your children know the difference between “John Calvin,” and “Calvin Klein.”

First, Calvinism is the purest expression of the Christian faith and even if you disagree with Calvinism your children should be aware of how Calvinism has influenced all of Protestant Christianity.

Even if you dislike Reformed theology a good education would include information about Calvin since Calvin was considered by the world renowed German Historian Leopold Van Ranke to be “virtually the founder of America.” Historian George Bancroft could say of Calvinists, “The fanatic for Calvinism was a fanatic for liberty, and, in the moral warfare for freedom, his creed was his most faithful counselor and his never failing support. The Puritans … planted … the undying principles of Democratic freedom.” Should your child graduate clueless about the principles of Calvinism that informed both our Republican form of government as well as the Christian faith soil out of which that Republican form of government flowered your child is not educated.

9.) Your children were never offered the blue pill

Reality is not what we are fed by the major media outlets in this country. A complete education will make your child aware that if they want the truth they will have to dig beyond the mainstream publishing houses, media networks, and WORLD magazine. Truth can be found but it is not something that will be found without searching for it.

10.) Your children graduated realizing that many more Christians than Jews were slaughtered by 20th Century Tyrants

The biggest manipulation ploy of the second half of the 20th century is the constant reminder of the Jewish deaths during WW II. Those deaths were tragic and yet their numbers pale in comparison with the number of Christians who were slaughtered by Jews as they were key leaders in the Bolshevik revolution. In the Ukraine alone millions upon millions of Christian Kulaks were slaughtered by the Communists. The Christian Armenian were slaughtered by the Turks. The 20th century has been a blood bath for the martyrs of the Christian faith. Your children should know this by the time they hit 18.

11.) Your children realize that Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same bird of prey.

Both of our major parties are working in concert towards the same end as designed by the New World Order.

When considering contemporary conservatism as embodied by the Republican party both parents and graduating seniors should be familiar with this quote.

This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt bath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always, when about to enter a protest, very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its “bark is worse than its bite,” and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance. The only practical purpose which it now subserves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy from having nothing to whip. No doubt, after a few years, when women’s suffrage shall have become an accomplished fact, conservatism will tacitly admit it into its creed, and thenceforward plume itself upon its wise firmness in opposing with similar weapons the extreme of baby suffrage; and when that too shall have been won, it will be heard declaring that the integrity of the American Constitution requires at least the refusal of suffrage to asses. There it will assume, with great dignity, its final position.

~~R. L. Dabney. “Women’s Rights Women”

12.) And most important of all your children will know that God is King, and because His Kingdom is Spiritual it is therefore concrete and growing in history, and consequently in Him we live and move and have our being.

Bertrand Russell & Bret McAtee on Education

‎“The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship….The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.”

Russell concluded with a warning:

“Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”

Bertrand Russell
20th Century Cultural Marxist

Our government has been in charge of education for over one hundred years and it simply is the fact that most Americans have the convictions they have because of the propaganda swallowed in government schools. This is true of Christians as well, but with Christians the crime is doubled because Christians then baptize their pagan convictions with a thin coating of “Christianity.”

Government education from pre-schools to University is not about educating people. It is about controlling the populace. Government education is not about learning, it is about creating a citizenry that is shaped to think the way the state desires. Government education is not about disseminating intelligence, it is about creating cogs that will fit in the state determined culture — cogs that are smart enough to be an effective drone work force, but not smart enough to think critically and analytically for themselves. Government education is not about personal growth for the student, it is about Corporate America producing a generation that will be consumers for their products. Sadly, all that I’ve just said about Government education is also largely true of the agenda of even conservative Churches today.

The quote by Russell above could be re-produced repeatedly by people who are in the know. If you’ve been trained in Government Schools, you simply must acknowledge what they have done to you and determine that you are going to begin to think outside your previous thought patterns.

Take the blue pill. You’ll be glad you did.

Anna’s Communication Class Assignment

“One of the most treasured civil liberties is freedom of speech. At the same time, most people would agree that some forms of racists and sexist speech are hateful and demeaning to their targets. As you have read in the chapter, language shapes the attitudes of those who hear it.

How do you reconcile the principle of free speech and the need to minimize hateful and discriminatory messages? Do you think that laws and policies can and should be made that limit certain types of communication? If so, how should those laws be written to protect the right to free speech? If not, justify the protection of even racist and sexist language.”

Note that this is not a communications class. This is a cultural Marxist class dressed up as a communications class. What does any of this have to do with individual students learning the skills of communication?

In the below I tease out the agenda of this assignment.

1.) the whole underlying emphasis of the assignment is to get the student to believe that the fist amendment needs to be ignored, or reevaluated and rewritten.

2.) How does the teacher know what most people agree to? Gratuitous assumption with no proof.

3.) I would say that language only shapes the attitudes of those who hear it when those who are shaped by what they hear are stupid. People who are epistemologically self conscious are never shaped by what they hear but instead are those who shape by what they teach.

4.) first question, second paragraph … Teacher assumes what she has not proven and with this question she prejudices the answer to the second question of the second paragraph.

5.) Third question is a contradiction and resolves to

How do you write laws to protect the right to free speech when you are writing laws to restrict the right to free speech?

6.) The final question is simply answered by appealing to the first amendment as it is already written.

Government Education & The Disappearance of .400 Baseball Averages

“California Teachers Association President Lois Tinson had a simple answer for why test scores remain stagnant despite ever increasing public resources devoted to education. ‘Today’s low scores’ she explained, ‘are evidence of the high quality of today’s system.’

Tinson compared the disappearance of high test scores to the disappearance of the ….400 hitter in baseball. ‘The so-called decline in test scores is just the opposite. Instead of an elite five percent scoring 1100 , we have 50% or more scoring 900. And that is not decline, that is a spread of excellence. Further, just as the extinction of the .400 hitter reflects greater excellence in other aspects of the game of baseball, current test scores reflect the greater excellence of public education.'”

Cited in Peter Brimelow’s “The Worm In The Apple”

Out of their own mouths, advertised with a positive spin, we see what socialism always does. Socialism is a system that reduces everybody to lowest common denominator misery. In this case, socialism as applied to education, contrives to make all the students equally stupid. Now the genius in this is that the educational establishment has, for years, been lowering the bar on standardized testing so that lower scores are masked by dumbing down the tests. So a test, that has been dumbed down, finds more children being equally stupid but it is spun as fewer children being elite so that more children can be above average.

This kind of reasoning makes my head hurt.