New World Order Advocacy Back in 1937

“Where then does the solution lie? A theoretical solution lies in the abolition of the entire concept of national sovereignty and the unification of the world into a single nation. All boundary barriers are thus automatically leveled…”

John Foster Dulles
Would become Sec. State — Eisenhower Administration
The Problem of Peace in a Dynamic World
Religion in Life, vol 6. No. 2 — Spring 1937, p. 197

Actually, the plan for a New World Order has been around since the Tower of Babel. Tracing its history here in the States the desire for Novus ōrdō sēclōrum goes back to the very beginning of our history as seen by this motto being placed on our currency. The big push came for it first in 1918 with Woodrow Wilson’s utopian vision of the League of Nations. Thankfully, the US Senate under the leadership of Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge scuttled Wilson’s demand for US entry in the League of Nations resulting in Wilson’s stroke as he physically wore down traveling the nation to try and sell his League of Nations baby.

However, the League of Nations had a second incarnation at the end of WW II with the formation of the United Nations. The UN was, from the beginning a New World Order organization interested in seeing the rise of world government. It was controlled from the beginning by the Communists with American Communist Alger Hiss being appointed as the acting secretary-general of the U.N. founding conference.

I would contend that the whole movement of the US Government since WW II has been towards building a New World Order. The whole NAFTA and GATT treaties of the late 80s and early 90s were evidence of that attempt. Trump’s tepid moves in support of an America First policy was the real reason that the International organized left — both here and abroad — went absolutely insane with Trump’s election.

Short of a remarkable providence the push is going to continue for the creation of a uni-polar globalist state. That, of course, is the ultimate goal of the Deep State virus scamdemic we are living under. If we are not aware of this we will be homogenized with every other culture, race, and faith.

New Year’s Day Wishes As Limericks

In “22” can we be done with Reformed
Who gives us dumb, girly, and deformed?
How about razors for brains
Inflicting apologetic pain
Causing our enemies to become weak and malformed?


Admitting it is a slight knock
In “22” I reject Keller for Knox
The former is Charismatic
I prefer the undiplomatic
And a man who will fight over squawk

Grove City College Wasn’t Always Full On WOKE … Correspondence with Former Grove City College Economics Professor; Dr. Tom Rose

The current controversy at Grove City College regarding its full-throated embrace of Critical Race theory reminded me of some correspondence I had with one of their retired economic professors (Dr. Thomas Gordon Rose) back in 2008. Dr. Rose was a contemporary at Grove City College with the more well-known Dr. Hans Sennholz. It took me a while to find this in my records but when I did I was shocked once again to note how fast the intellectual climate has changed. Grove City College is now full-on WOKE but just a generation earlier one of their then recently retired economics professors could write me the below letter upon my simple inquiry if he knew my mentor at Indiana Wesleyan University. You can imagine how the academic world at Grove City College would explode with social justice rage today at the thought that one of their current academic literati would write such a letter as was sent to me in 2008 by Dr. Rose.

Dr. Rose died in 2014.

Dear Rev. McAtee,

It is good to hear from you.  Yes, Dr. Glen Martin invited me to lecture at Indiana Wesleyan Univ. twice, the second time not long before he died.  Both times were enjoyable and fruitful experiences.  I loved Glen as a dear brother in Christ and respected him as an excellent scholar.  We never discussed the “Jewish question,” and I doubt that he would have had the freedom to bring it up in his classes because of the “politically correct” view against open discussion of the influence of Jewish Zionism in America. (Which is is no doubt the very most important issue that needs to be discussed if we are to reverse the strong trend to destroy the American Republic and meld us into the NWO.)

I have spent many, many hours, days, weeks, and years researching the modern Zionist Jewish movement (which was financed by the Rothschilds in the late 1890s, and who also financed Scofield and his work in producing the so-called Scofield Reference Bible, as well as the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank here in these USA, and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the murder of the Czar and his family in 1918 — all historical facts which are purposely hidden from textbooks and histories.  I know that you are most likely branding me as an “anti-Semitic,” but that is not true, such a “verbal missile” is only used as a means of shutting off discussing important issues that need to be discussed for the sake of God’s people, i.e., believers in Christ, who are the “light of the world.”

My suggestion, Bret, if I may use first names, is for you to read the following books in somewhat of the order in which I list them in order to familiarize yourself with this important issue if you are not already familiar.  Let me begin by stating that there are absolutely no relations between Old Testament Judeans or Israelites and the people who today call themselves “Jews.”  Jesus was not a Jew, and moderns so-called “Jews” have no linear descent from OT Israelites.  The biggest center of so-called “Jews” today is New York City, and they are descendants of Khazar pagans who have their roots in the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.  Their king chose a form of Babylonian Talmudism (Judaism) about 740 A.D.  This s explained by Arthur Koestler, a Jewish scholar in his book, The Thirteenth Tribe.  Benjamin Freedman (a one-time active Zionist Jew) has written a number of pamphlets and made audiotapes on the Zionist movement that seduced these USA into WW I and then into WW II.  He is now dead, but you can find his work via a search engine on the internet.

In quick order, here are some other very enlightening books, with short comments:

1) Ivor Benson, The Zionist Factor — the best starting point to get a quick, but an accurate overall view.

2) Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion — lengthy, but thorough.

3) Stan Rittenhouse, “For Fear of the Jews” — excellent!

4) Henry Ford, The International Jew — a much-ridiculed book, but very accurate and good!|

5) L. Fry (a pen name), Waters Flowing Eastward, The War Against the Kingship of Christ — provides an accurate account and listing of the Protocols of the learned elders of Zion; a must-read! 

6) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, The Synagogue of Satan, The Secret History of Jewish World Domination — a very important, year, by year outline of key events of the Rothschild dynasty.  Quite enlightening!

7) Joseph M. Canfield, The Incredible Scofield — a must-read if you want to understand the important role of Zionism in American “Christianity!”

8) Alfred M. Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection II, What Price Peace? — Frank comments by a Jewish scholar.

9) Texe Marrs, Project Lucid (and other books by the same author).  Believe what he writes!

10) Dr. John Coleman, One World Order, Socialist Dictatorship (and two other books by the same author) — An Englishman who had access to the secret books in the British Museum.  Read and believe!

11) John W. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-up — the true report on the homosexual/pedophile sex ring in Washington, D.C., Nebraska, and other cities in these USA and more.  Disgusting, disturbing, but a must read!

12) See also my article posted on entitled “Can This Be Treason” — dealing with the threat to our country of the homosexual ring in Washington, D.C., and the Bush White House.  Not pleasant, but a must read!

13) See also Devvy Kidd’s website:, an article entitled “Jewish Persecution.”  Another must-read! Also on the same site, “The Greatest Hoax,” Epilogue- “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”

Give me a call at *** -***-**** if I can be of any more help….
In Christ’s Name and service,

Tom Rose

(P.S. It is now way past midnight, Bret.  I have checked for typos, but I never can find all of them, so please forgive me.  I’m working with a fractured left wrist which complicates matters.)

Blank Slate / Tabula Rasa / Race as a Social Construct — Enter Franz Boas

“Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.”

John Maynard Keynes

As we are living in a time where there is a whole lot of frenzy going on I thought I’d take a few words to connect some dots between those who are distilling their frenzy on the issue of race being a social construct or as not really existing with the academic scribbler of some years back.

I’d like to connect the idea of the Lockean blank slate theory of the mind with the notion that race is a social construction or that race doesn’t really exist. I would insist that one cannot get to insisting on this non-existence of race apart from some relation to blank slate (Tabula Rasa) theory of the mind. Further, it will be demonstrated that the modern post-enlightenment ideas of egalitarianism in both race and gender cannot exist apart from a Tabula Rasa type theory.

Blank theory popularized by John Locke (known as the ‘Father of Liberalism’) and which captivated the Western mind in the Enlightenment held that human minds start off empty, as blank slates, and are filled in by personal experiences. According to Locke, thoughts begin by absorbing sensation and become more complex through reflection on what is sensed.

This blank slate theory denied the idea of a set human nature as well as the idea that men have innate ideas. Further, the Tabula Rasa theory denies, by way of its implications, the reality that there are inborn genetic distinctions between the sexes as well as between men of different races and/or ethnicities. All is blank slate. Man is constantly becoming because man is constantly being written upon.

It didn’t take long for the worst kind of people to realize that if men are born as blank slates then those who controlled the experiences of blank slate men could control whole social orders. From this understanding grew up the whole social engineering movement that has defined the world from the Enlightenment onward. From this understanding also grew the attempt by elites to create “the new man.” This “new man” might be the “new Soviet man,” or it might be the “new fourth industrial revolution (4IR) man” or it might be any attempt to build a new kind of man by seizing control of the mechanisms upon which blank slates can be written upon.

One thing that needs pointing out here. The Tabula Rasa theory is a thoroughly anti-Christ anthropology. The Christian insists, quite to the contrary of the blank slate theory that man has a human nature and that man is not born morally neutral awaiting for software to be downloaded into the human mind hardware. However, another thing that must be noted at the same time is that the blank slate theory has been phenomenally successful in conditioning fallen man. The creating and building of particular types of men via social engineering has successfully animated and so formed men so that they have been willing to become drones against their own genuine interests for the social engineering elite.

The blank slate theory has been a special pet for proponents of psychological behaviorism.  Behaviorist John Watson once said;

“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select — doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.”

–John Watson, Behaviorism, 1930

B. F. Skinner was much more succinct touching his embrace of blank slate theory offering;

“Give me a child, and I’ll shape him into anything.”

Another chap of the 20th century that embraced a Tabula Rasa anthropology was Franz Boas. Franz Boas was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. His work made the civil rights movement possible. And yet, so few have heard of the man or realize that our whole social structure in the West with its conviction that race is a social construct can be traced back to a man whose research has been since proven to be errant by statistical evidence from other fields. However, once a narrative has been established in any field it is difficult to change directions.

Boas was an interesting bloke who seems to have somehow fallen through the cracks of the 20th-century floorboards of “most evil thinkers who changed the world,” completely re-oriented the field of cultural anthropology by a full-throated embrace of blank slate theory.

Boas (1858-1942), as a German Jew fled Nazi Germany not unsurprisingly since he had been vilified because he was a Jew. Boas, consistent with blank slate theory was keen to establish that there were no innate differences between races. Boas wrote,

“I claim, that, unless the contrary can be proved, we must assume that all complex activities are socially determined, not hereditary.”

Franz Boas

At the time this idea flew face-first into the predominant theory of cultural anthropology.  However, the influence of Boas and his disciples eventually won the day against equally unfortunate Darwinian theories of cultural anthropology. Boas, with his theory of Tabula Rasa in cultural anthropology, was supported by a strong cast of influential disciples that included Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978) and Ashley Montagu (1905 – 1999).

Margaret Mead wrote, “human nature is the rawest, most undifferentiated of raw material.” Another Boasian disciple, Otto Klineberg wrote that the environmental explanation for behavior was always preferable “because it was more optimistic, holding out the hope of improvement.” Boasian Ashley Montagu was one of the ten scientists invited to serve on a UNESCO committee addressing race, later known as the “Committee of Experts on Race Problems.”  The group wrote a series of Statements on Race to spread awareness that humans are all one species and that “race” is not a valid biological concept. Montagu himself would write,

“The idea of “race” represents one of the most dangerous myths of our time.”

It is not difficult to see where the origin of “race is a social construct,” or “race does not exist” or “race is only about melanin levels” originally stems from. This language is now on the lips of nearly every high profile “leader” in the conservative Christian church today and this thinking originates in the  Lockean blank slate theory of anthropology which is anti-Christ to its core with its denial that humans have a fixed nature.

This popular motif also is embraced by the more epistemologically self-conscious Alienists. Alienism seems to necessitate a kind of “blank slate” theory of anthropology. The position of the Alienists, like Boas, Meade, and Montagu is that there are no inherent or genetic differences between races and peoples. Everyone is equal (the same) and because everyone is the same (equal) there is no reason to suggest that inter-racial marriage is not normatively a good idea. Indeed, given this Boasian blank slate type theory, inter-racial marriage is not even possible since races don’t exist.

What else can this be except blank slate (Tabula Rasa) anthropology? It is an odd world that men should be told that because they don’t believe in the sociological nonsense of John Locke that therefore they are “racist” because they insist that the best marriages are made from those who are joined who have the most in common — including their genetic heritage.

There is yet one more growing implication of this Boasian / Blank Slate anthropological theory and that is the rise of the notion of gender fluidity.

If we are going to insist that genetics has nothing to do with racial differences as it concerns behavioral traits, thus embracing the idea that race does not exist, then it is a short step from there to say that genetics has nothing to with gender as it concern behavioral traits thus embracing the idea that gender is fluid.

It seems these two rise and fall together so that if a Christian denies race as a genetic reality (race does not exist / race is a social construct/race is only about melanin levels) then only by felicitous inconsistency can a Christian affirm that behavioral traits associated with gender are anchored in genetics.

None of what has been said above should be construed as support for Darwinian anthropology. The refusal of Boasian anthropology does not mean that one has to embrace Darwinian anthropology. A Christian anthropology recognizes that man was created body and soul so that both genetics (body) and belief (soul) interact together to provide an anthropological understanding of man. Man can not be explained solely by nurture (Boasian/Tabula Rasa/Behaviorism theories), and neither can man be explained solely by nature (genetic determinism/Darwinianism). All of these lockout the reality of God from His world and the ability of God to affect men who turn from the sinful closed world thinking to trust Christ who by His Spirit can cause men to rise above both their nurture and their nature, both Boasian anthropological categories and Darwinian anthropological categories, and both innate ideas alone and empiricism alone.

Tabula Rasa theories and all the derivatives thereof need to be cast aside by Biblical Christians.




Indiana Wesleyan University & The Wesleyan Church — Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

“The Christian college and university as an industry — as an organization — is compromised. There are very few Christian schools that I would recommend people consider attending these days because a wolf in sheep’s clothing is dangerous but a wolf in shepherd’s clothing is deadly. In many ways today I’d rather send my kids to a state university where at least you know that wolves are wolves and prepare the kid accordingly than send them off to a ‘Christian’ institution that is nothing but a wolf in shepherd’s clothing.”

Dr. Everett Piper
Former 17 year President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University

I began as a Wesleyan. It was in the Wesleyan Church I was baptized. It was in the Wesleyan Church I first learned that God was big and man was small. In the Wesleyan Church, I had my first friends. In the Wesleyan Church every summer I attended one week of youth camp revival where we all got religion all over again every year. After high school, which was finished while living with a generous family who was members with me of the Wesleyan Church, I attended a Wesleyan college where I earned my undergraduate degree.

Because of the above, I will always have a sense of gratitude for the Wesleyan church even if now I look back and see that in many respects, doctrinally speaking, Wesleyan-Arminian theology was a very weak and immature expression of Christianity. I will always thank God that the Wesleyan church was a stable place for a very unstable kid like me to find safety. Indeed, it is not too much to say that I am who I am, in part because of how God used the Wesleyan church in the early years.

It is the fact that I am so grateful that will make the rest of this post more difficult.

When I was connected to the Wesleyan church it was thought of as a conservative institution. It remembered its old paths and sought to find a connection between where they were in the present to their storied past. They were thick with a conservative pietism that embraced strict sabbath observance, a forbidding of playing cards, dancing with girls, and drinking alcohol.

All that now is in the rearview mirror and if it had been replaced by a genuine biblical and conservative piety you wouldn’t find me complaining. However, the piety that is driving the Wesleyan car these days is anchored in WOKENESS, with its political correctness, critical race theory, intersectionality and cultural Marxism in general.

This breaks my heart.

My first hint of this came several years ago when I engaged Professor Ken Schenck here on Iron Ink in a series of discussions that revealed that Dr. Schenck had been drinking from a fountain with some relation to neo-orthodoxy. I found Dr. Schenck to be a delightful sparring partner as he was just as flippant, condescending, and arrogant as myself. Be that as it may, he clearly was not orthodox in any sense as related to historic Christianity. There was more Barth, Brunner, Schleimarcher, and Kierkegaard about Schenck than there was Wesley, Asbury, Coke, or Cartwright.

However, I let that go until years later it came to my attention via a couple of recent Indiana Wesleyan graduates whom I had made an acquaintance with that the progressive leftism at Indiana Wesleyan had gone from a mere skin rash to a case of cultural Marxism boils covering the whole Institutional body. It is not just Ken Schenck now, but the Cultural Marxist push comes also from full-on WOKE gate-keepers like Dr. Rusty Hawkins (Professor of History/Humanities at Indiana Wesleyan), Wayne Schmidt and JoAnn Lyon (each formerly holding the title of General Secretary of the Wesleyan Church) and Dr. Katie Karnehm-Esh (Professor of Creative Writing at Indiana Wesleyan).

Dr. Rusty Hawkins has co-edited a book WOKE book on “Racism” and has another book in the chute taking up the Cultural Marxist cudgel of “White Privilege.” Schmidt and Lyon have both pressed for ever-expanding numbers of immigrants and refugees in their positions at the Wesleyan Church. Dr. Karnehm-Esh prides herself in her status as social justice warrior.

Hawkins is especially ironic given that just a little over a decade ago Dr. Glenn E. Martin was the head of the History Department at Indiana Wesleyan University. Martin was as opposite of Hawkins as one can imagine, being a Biblical Christian who was sympathetic to the South in his teaching. This is the very opposite of Hawkins whose new book is titled; “The Bible Told Them So: Southern White Christians’ Fight against Racial Equality, which argues that white Christians’ theology informed and shaped their resistance to the civil rights movement in the South. (As an aside, I quite agree with Hawkins that white Christians’ theology informed and shaped their resistance to the civil rights movement in the South. I would only disagree with Hawkins that fighting the Communism that was the foundation of the Civil Rights movement was a bad thing.)

The WOKENESS of Hawkins was again on display when he said;

“Racism, my friends, is our country’s original sin. And with the exception of a few rare instances, the white church in the United States has been complicit in supporting this sin. When you take into consideration the racial history of the United States, it should come as no surprise whatsoever that the American church is deeply divided along racial lines. It’s difficult to build bridges between the races inside the church when, for so long, the white church helped to support the structures that kept the races apart.”

Further evidence of WOKENESS has popped up from time to time in recent years. In 2014 one of the Indiana Wesleyan Professors confessed that he was both pro-choice and pro-life. In 2017 political correctness, as pursued by the John Wesley Honors program faculty and administrators, showed its ugly claws by bouncing a student (Micah Sample) because he refused to wear a politically correct Halloween costume and further had the temerity to say such a policy was stupid.

However, the word is beginning to spread about Indiana Wesleyan University and the Wesleyan Church at large. This is in part due to a new documentary film released titled, “Enemies Within The Church.” This new documentary considers the failures of the Wesleyan Church, as well as other Evangelical Institutions, and warns parents that they are doing their children a disservice to Christ by sending their children to “Christian” Institutions like Indiana Wesleyan Church. Indeed, the danger is so great that Sample, as interviewed in the documentary suggests that ministerial graduates of Indiana Wesleyan University will be spreading the Gospel of Cultural Marxism in the Churches they will be charged to lead and not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Having written the above it should be clear that this malaise in the Institutional Church is not limited to the Wesleyan Church. It is an infection that is pandemic among the Institutional churches in the West. In the Presbyterian Church of America for every Rusty Hawkins, there is a Sean Michael Lucas. For every Wayne Schmidt, there is a J. Ligon Duncan.  In the Orthodox Presbyterian Church for every Wesleyan Katie Karnehm-Esh there is an Amy Byrd.

Simply put the institutional visible church in the West is sick beyond repair and those who are serious about their undoubted Catholic Christian faith have to think creatively to avoid the infection that the visible Church in the West is spreading.