Identifying Liberal non-Christianity

Protestant liberal thought in its most traditional incarnations emphasized
1.) The universal Fatherhood of God
God is not a Judge to any man. God loves all men indiscriminately. All men have a Democratic claim upon God. There is no eternal distinction between elect and reprobate.
2.) The universal brotherhood of man
Men are all brothers. This means when the implications are teased out that all men are heaven-bound since all men have God has Father and are Brothers.
3.) The infinite value of the human soul
Souls are so infinitely valuable that God would never cast one into hell. Souls are so infinitely valuable that Capital punishment is always wrong. Liberals often believe that they can rescue any soul from a wayward path by re-education.
4.) The example of Jesus
All talk is about the moral example of Jesus that men are to follow. This cunningly leaves out any talk about the juridical and propitiatory work of Jesus Christ on the Cross as the only hope for men’s acceptability with God. One is saved by following Jesus’ example. One is not saved by the Cross work of Jesus Christ. Liberals talk a great deal of “walking in Christ’s steps,” and very little of the necessity of Christ’s death to be right with God.
5.) The establishment of the moral-ethical Kingdom of God on Earth.
In Christian eschatology, God brought in the Kingdom and is bringing in the Kingdom by the finished work of Jesus Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit upon the Saints to live out Christ in all of Redeemed men’s callings consistent with the Revelation of Scripture. In Christian Humanist Liberal eschatology man, quite apart from the work of the Spirit and the instruction of Scripture brings in the Kingdom in keeping with his autonomous sense of oughtness. This means that any Kingdom the Liberal successfully brings in is an anti-Christ humanist Kingdom. The Liberal Kingdom of God has often been relativistic, pluralistic, and non-doctrinal.
6.) Ethics over doctrine and experience over Scriptural authority.
Schleiermacher, one of the chief theological mavens of Liberalism emphasized that the essence of Christian faith is a state of mind called ‘the feeling of absolute dependence’ This absolute dependence was not arrived at by learning the Scriptures and so knowing God but rather this feeling of absolute dependence was an intuitively arrived at immediate self-consciousness of being in relation with God.
7.) Liberal Christian scholars embraced and encouraged the higher biblical criticism of modern Biblical scholarship with its inherent anti-supernatural presuppositions.
You can sniff out a Liberal by being very pointed with questions put to them on the Supernatural. Don’t let them fool you with their poetic and contradictory language. Ask them directly …”Did Jesus Christ who was dead and buried bodily arise alive again from the grave so that post-resurrection photographs of Him with His disciples could be taken?

How to convince everyone you’re a “Conservative” in WeiMerica

1. Lincoln was our greatest President
2. Don’t you understand it was the Republicans who freed the slaves?
3. Well, Stalin was bad, but we had to stop Hitler!
4. Those Nazis deserved Dresden, Hamburg, etc., and worse.
5. What Allied war crimes?
6. Lend-lease was not an act of war against Germany.
7. Reagan gave us amnesty, which proves we love illegal aliens.
8. Title IX is conservatism at its best.
9. My daughter plays college sports, but she’s no lesbian.
10. My daughter makes more than her husband. I raised her right!
11. You’ll have to pry my gun from my cold dead fingers, but here have my kids eight hours a day 5 days a week 9 months a year.
12. We need to go back to “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.”
13. Democrats don’t know that Catholic Central American illegals are really Republicans.
14.) America has always been a country of Immigrants. I just want them to be safe and legal.
15.) Any Christian who doesn’t snap to when Old Glory passes by is no Christian
16.) If my Pastor says it from the pulpit I know it must be true
17.) I listen to Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine, and FOX News all day at work.
18.) I saw it in a Dinesh D’Souza documentary so it must be a conservative position.
19.) I don’t need conspiracies to be Conservative. Conspiracies are dumb.
20.) I support the Gospel Coalition

From The Republic’s Fall to the Fall of McCarthey … A Reading List — Part I

Lately, I’ve had a friend ask me to provide a reading list on American History from 1865 to the mid-20th century. These are my recommendations. I only recommend books that I have read. Obviously, this will not be exhaustive. Like anybody, I’ve read in more areas than others.

I.) 1865 – 1877 – American Reconstruction

All of my reading here has been in the Dunning School. The Dunning school is now considered passe but as that which replaced the Dunning school was largely Marxist I’ll stick with the Dunning school’s understanding of this era.

1.) Reconstruction, Political & Economic, 1865-1877 – William Archibald Dunning

2.) Claude Bowers – The Tragic Era; The Revolution After Lincoln

3.) Walter Lynwood Fleming — Civil War, and Reconstruction in Alabama

II.) The Rise of the Propaganda Society

One cannot understand the 20th century (nor today) without having a firm grip on propaganda.

1.) Manipulating the Masses – John Maxwell Hamilton

2.) Propaganda — Eward Bernays

3.) The Crowd — Gustav LaBon

4.) Propaganda — Jaques Ellul

5.) An Empire of their Own — Neal Gabler

6.) Stalin’s Apologist — S. J. Taylor

III.) Progressives

1.) Bully Boy — Jim Powell

2.) Wilson’s War — Jim Powell

3.) To be continued

Natural Law … Inscripturated Law … The King’s Law = Eternal Law (A Medieval Understanding)

Christian Doctrine of Rule of Law per Christian Saint Germain’s 16th-century book, “Doctor & Student”

I.) Law of God known also as Law Eternal

Known By

A.) Light of Natural Reason – called; The Law of Reason
B.) Heavenly Publication (The Scriptures) called; The Law of God
C.) Order of Prince or secondary government (Parliament) called; The law of man though originally made by God

1.) Any law of man that is contrary to the law of God or the law of reason is no law but corruption and error.

The three above are all different ways of the same Eternal Law of God.

The impact of the above is that each characterization of Law was all seen as reflecting the law of God. Personally, I honestly don’t know why they needed these three usages if, in the end, they are all the same thing. However, what we learn here is that the Medievals did not think that there was some kind of common realm (I’m looking at you R2K) that was not legislated by God’s law. Now, they might call it Natural Law but inasmuch as they saw Natural Law reflecting the exact same Eternal law of God as we find in the Scripture at the end of the day the common realm was still be legislated by God’s law. The Medievals would have never owned a contradiction between God’s Law and Natural Law.

The March of Ecumenism

“After intra-Protestant and intra-Christian ecumenism we have irrevocably reached the third ecumenical dimension, ecumenism of world’s religions.”

Hans Kung
The Meaning of Other Faiths — p. 10
Published 1983

“Recognizing the need to work together to strengthen the United Nations, religious groups are creating a powerful voice of unity — a core principle of world federalism.”

Letter from Aaron M. Knight to participants
Lead up Letter for Internationalist meeting of Faith Leaders

The NWO in order to achieve their goal must not only succeed in inter-racial uniformity and inter-cultural uniformity but also must succeed in establishing inter-faith uniformity. Not only must all races bleed into one so also must all cultures and all faiths. A blended racial/ethnic mankind living in a blended NWO uni-culture will not and cannot survive where there does not also exist a blending of all faiths, religions, and theologies into one.

A New World Order cannot survive with genuinely different faith systems. Herein you find the real reason for the persecution of the Christian faith. Biblical Christianity is the only faith that cannot discover a uniformity with any other non-Christian faiths because Christianity says it alone has truth. Christianity will not allow many ways to God. It alone insists that God’s Law must be the standard for all social orders. Christianity’s very existence is one wherein God ordains and names distinctions as well as ordains and names hierarchy and Christians following the God of the Bible walk in terms of those distinctions and hierarchies. These are distinctions and hierarchies that all Biblical Christians insist cannot be blended with other non-Christian ways of thinking.

One might say that Biblical Christians and Biblical Christianity is the fly in the ointment of the New World Order’s plan to achieve the global uniformity they are aching to achieve. Because this is true Christianity must be wiped out and as white people have been and are now the civilizational carriers of Christianity they must also either redefine their Christianity or be snuffed out.

Man lives with and in three great realities that can easily be reduced to two. These are race, culture, and theology. As culture is defined as the outward manifestation of a people’s inward beliefs (theology), culture will instantly be blended into one if the NWO can successfully blend all peoples and all religions. This is the agenda they have set upon.

Inspired by the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations in 1995 the United Religions Initiative was established.  Founded by an Anglican Bishop Swing the United Religions Initiative was inspired by Swing’s line of reasoning;

“For a second, but only for a second, I allowed myself to consider the first of the Ten Commandments. Primitive and Structural! ‘Thou shalt have no other gods but me.’ If a religion prides itself on keeping the first of the Ten Commandments then it will pride itself on what it does about the ‘other gods.’ Holy writings will be filled with the stories of how the people of the other gods were slain, and the purity of the religion maintained against the threat of assimilation. How can history compete with the Divine command to have ‘none other gods’? If the planet Earth is ever going to have a chance  of continuing as a cosmic oasis in the vastness of the universe, perhaps we need to take a second look at the first commandment.”

Bishop is absolutely correct if the goal is a New World Order. Notice what Bishop Swing identifies as the great threat to Christianity. That great threat is the assimilation of the Christian faith with other faith systems. If the New World Order is to be achieved then assimilation of Christianity with other faiths must be achieved. Christianity’s distinct God who demands unique fidelity to Him alone must be conquered in favor of a God who will allow assimilation — who will allow other gods with Him to be brought into the pantheon.

Note here, however, if successful Bishop Swing’s God will have at that very moment of triumph will have insured the purity of this assimilationist polyglot religion against the threat of Christianity that all knees must assimilate (bow before) the God of the Bible. Bishop Swing would, in the name of his god conquer all competitors to his religion and his god would be the god demanding that there would be no other gods before Bishop Swing’s God.