Elsewhere Wilson says,
And in terms of racial vainglory St. Paul can say of the Jews;
Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; 5 of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.
Wilson, in the interview, by affirming a love for one’s grandmother, great-grandmother, etc. gives us a tribalism and goes on to say things that most Kinists would salute. But then he turns around and seeks to push outside the camp those people who say the very same thing he says in generically defining what is good about loving one’s own people. In doing so Doug sets himself up as the gatekeeper and throws everyone else under the bus. From there Wilson having fleshed out the generic statement of what he has given contradicts much of his own general outline in other statements.
For example in the past Wilson has argued against a Kinist like policy of protectionism that would favor nearby producers (Kin) versus producers in Peking. Per Wilson, in a particularly cringe moment, Free Grace leads to Free Markets which leads to free trade. Wilson has argued for a immigration policy that finds the US seeking to assimilate those who are not assimilable.
So, per Doug’s usual modus operandi, Doug speaks out of both sides (maybe even several sides) of his mouth. Doug says general principles that kinists would salute. That is good. However when talking about details Doug often advances Alienists (opposite of Kinist) arguments. That is bad.