Doug Wilson Goes All Officer Al Powell From Die Hard I

“With this statement, Marcuse provided the methodology by which the new proletariat would march through the Western Institutions changing them so that those Institutions would no longer reflect the worldview of the alleged oppressor but rather would reflect and serve the worldview of the oppressed who hated Christianity and the ethos that characterizes the Christian faith. The new methodology included the ability to criminalize Christian thinking, morality, and behavior. It was Christian thinking, morality, and behavior which would be allowed no tolerance. We are seeing this methodology being played out today in the constant refrain of “White privilege,” and “Systemic Racism.” No tolerance will be allowed for “White privilege,” or “Systemic Racism,” and when one bores down on what these are one discovers that they are simply expressions of Biblical Christianity. It is Biblical Christianity — most commonly embraced by descendants of White-Europeans — that must not be tolerated. Marcuse’s Methodology explains the pulling down of statuary, the changing of names, and the elimination of all things Western Civilization.”

Bret McAtee
Been Screaming this kind of stuff for at least a decade

“Attacks on the West, America, traditional values, the patriarchy, hetero-normativity, and so on are all proxy wars aimed at Christ. And Christians are largely clueless.”

Doug Wilson

“Welcome to the party, pal.”

Officer John McClane 
Die Hard 1

Doug is speaking in the abstract here but when we start looking at the concrete Doug is tweeting a pretty large dog whistle. Concretely speaking, one has to ask who built ‘the West,” and then America? Who are the people that established traditional values, patriarchy, and hetero-normativity?

The answer is that it is the Christian white man who built the West and then America. The answer is that it is the Christian white man who established traditional values, patriarchy, and hetero-normativity.

And the upshot of all this is that the ultimate proxy war aimed at Christ that Doug correctly speaks of can not be successful unless that proxy war successfully destroys the Christian white man.

And what that means, in turn, is that Doug should be defending not only the West, America, traditional values, patriarchy, and hetero-normativity, and ultimately the Lord Jesus Christ but also Doug should stop with his “race doesn’t really exist” bilge and start defending the Christian white man whom God, out of His pure grace, called to build a civilization where patriarchy, traditional values, and hetero-normativity became the norm.

And though I shouldn’t have to say it, I will say it for the mentally deficient crowd as well as for the race pimps who lurk here, what I have said above in no way suggests that I believe that whites are ontologically inherently superior. The fact that the white man is the builder of Western civilization — a civilization that is indeed superior — is all accounted for by God’s inscrutable grace.

For who maketh thee to differ? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? but if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not received it?


06 January 2021 in the Rearview Mirror

Today, 06 January 2022, the Cultural Marxist Left is out in full force doing all they can to erase the memory of the 9th commandment –Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. It’s ok though because the Left wouldn’t be the Left if they did not believe that truth was itself a myth. The Left has long believed that if the truth is a myth then it is not possible to lie.

Nonetheless, they are out there lying in spades about what happened one year ago today in Washington DC. Let’s start with a few salient facts you won’t hear much today.

1.) Trump requested prior to 06 January that the National Guard be turned out in order to keep the calm. As that request went through the legal channels House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to sign off on the presence of the National Guard in DC 0n 06 January and so the National Guard was not present thanks to the Democratic leadership.

Now many of the Cultural Marxist “fact-checkers” are out there denying this but what do you expect from a pig but a grunt?

2.) Pelosi continues to keep locked down records relating to the security preparedness of the Capitol complex prior to 06 January. What is Nancy hiding?

3.) More than one news outlet has chronicled the FBI’s probable infiltration of the January 6 voting rights protest and political rally in D.C. and the likelihood that undercover agents instigated and actively participated in the events at the Capitol that day should put the matter to bed once and for all. Think about it. Do you really think that a rabble of Ma & Pa Kettle protestors from around the country accessed the US Capital quite apart from someone on the inside desiring that they access the US Capital?

The FBI’s Role in the Jan. 6 Capitol Fracas Is Absolutely Disgusting

4.) Countless hours of video from 06 January remain sealed despite the efforts of Defense attorneys to force the Biden Justice Dept. to release video those attorneys are convinced will exonerate their clients. What is the Biden administration hiding?

5.) Let’s not forget the murder of one Ashlee Babbitt by Lt. Michael Byrd who insists that he was merely protecting life.  Yeah … right … because those protestors that did access the building routinely brought riot, ruin, and murder down upon the Capitol Hill employees. Lt. Michael Byrd has literally gotten away with the murder of a defenseless woman on 06 January. He’s not even been arrested while many protestors arrested that day still remain languishing in jails being taught a lesson by their so-called betters.

6.) Oh, and let’s not forget that grand lie that is still resonating across Media platforms. Did you know that despite the yellow journalism across the various Media platforms that police office Brian Sicknick was NOT killed by Trump supporters hitting him with a fire extinguisher? Sicknick died of natural causes that evening.  The D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office released a ruling finding that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after suffering two strokes the day after the Jan. 6th siege. Sicknick was not bonked on the head by a flying fire extinguisher thrown by the demon-possessed Trump supporters.

7.) What time was it when the Capital Police created a stampede by their militant actions against the gathered crowd whereupon Rosanne Boyland was trampled to death on Jan. 6? Oh… you haven’t heard of Roseann Boyland being crushed to death? Of course, you haven’t. That might reveal some inconvenient truth about the actions of the real or false LEO’s present in terms of how they were handling crowds.

The bottom line is that on 06 January much of America realized that a coup had taken place. The facts did not add up that Biden genuinely won the election. Those facts still don’t line up — unless of course, you’re a Cultural Marxist who wants the facts to line up.  In peaceful protest of those facts, American normies took to the streets naively believing that their protests could make a difference. The problem is, is that the Deep State knew they were coming and in my opinion, the Deep State prepared for them a reception that would indict the whole MAGA movement.  It was a classic Reichstag fire moment. It was another “we’re going to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer” moment. You remember that right? All those Michigan Yahoos were going to kidnap the Michigan Governor. Oh… did we forget to mention that there were more FBI agents involved in the kidnapping than there were non-FBI agents.

All this being said, I have no doubts that there were genuine idiots on the right present in DC on 06 January. I’m not convinced there were more of them than there were controlled opposition FBI agents though. Whenever you put Tens of thousands of people in one place you’re going to get idiots of all kinds of different stripes. However, I remain convinced that the idiot FEDS were driving the show and not the idiot Ma and Pa Kettles.

Defending Definable Borders

“Restricted immigration is not an offensive but purely a defensive action. It is not adopted in criticism of others in the slightest degree, but solely for the purpose of protecting ourselves. We cast no aspersions on any race or creed, but we must remember that every object of our institutions of society and government will fail unless America be kept American.

Calvin Coolidge

Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination

“American institutions rest solely on good citizenship. They were created by people who had a background of self-government. New arrivals should be limited to our capacity to absorb them into the ranks of good citizenship. America must be kept American. For this purpose, it is necessary to continue a policy of restricted immigration. It would be well to make such immigration of a selective nature with some inspection at the source and based either on a prior census or upon the record of naturalization. Either method would insure the admission of those with the largest capacity and best intention of becoming citizens. I am convinced that our present economic and social conditions warrant a limitation of those to be admitted. We should find additional safety in a law requiring the immediate registration of all aliens. Those who do not want to be partakers of the American spirit ought not to settle in America.”

Calvin Coolidge:
First Annual Message

“Properly applied to immigration, this commandment (the 5th) tells us we have the right and duty to defend our parents, households, villages and countries against invasion. If there is a natural right to immigrate (as opposed to emigrate), it is strange that it was only discovered when immigration rights had been put on the leftist agenda.”

Thomas Fleming

I know, to many readers, that 22,000 is too many refugees in a year, but you can be sure the low number of paying “clients” (refugees) will wreak havoc with the budgets of the nine federal contractors which could (optimistically) in turn force a complete review about why we have such a dysfunctional system where ‘non-profits’ are paid by the head to place refugees (in as much secrecy as they can muster) into towns and cities in 49 states.

There is never an incentive to slow the flow in overloaded communities with such a system where nine contractors*** are literally bidding for bodies.

Ann Corcoran

Refugee Resettlement Watch — 2018

Note — Most of those nine federal contractors are Volunteer Agencies that are connected with Christian denominations in America.

R. J. Rushdoony on the Immigration issue of the time (1965).

This then, is the nature of the Kennedy-Johnson bill. The likelihood of passage is very, very great unless a storm of protest overwhelms congress and compels them to surrender their present inclination to accept the bill. The purpose of this immigration policy then is to unify man, to bring about the unity of the godhead. Its purpose, and its premise, is not economic but religious. It is theologically rooted in this religious dream, the United Nations.

R. J. Rushdoony

We Are A Conquered People

The below was written in 1377 by Ibn-Khaldun who was a Tunisian statesman, historian, and jurist. It is an early sociological analysis of the fascination that power holds for those who have been conquered and so are submitting to their overlords.

When you read this think about how we’ve been conquered by the anti-Christ cultural Marxists as seen in our films, worship, and music. Look at the music and media that are dominating this country. Look at the manner of how our youth act and talk. Think about how our womenfolk are increasingly acting like trollops as if that is virtuous and our menfolk increasingly acting like Betas as if that were masculine. Because of all that I believe the below quote is quite insightful.

“Those who are conquered always want to imitate the conqueror in his main characteristics — in his clothing, his crafts, and all his distinctive traits and customs. This is because the mind always sees perfection in the person who occupies a superior rank and to whom one is subordinate. He is thought to be perfect because the repose in which he is held is deeply felt, perhaps because it is falsely supposed by the subordinate person that it is not the natural consequence of defeat but is the result of the perfection of the conqueror. If this false supposition is fixed in the mind, it becomes a firm belief. The mind then adopts all the mannerisms of the conqueror and tries to be as similar as possible to him. This is imitation… This attraction goes so far that a nation dominated by another neighbor will try very hard to become like it and imitate it.”

The West has become dominated. The fact of that is seen in its willingness to turn a blind eye to the removal of its Western white history as seen in the ongoing removal of its statuary. The West has become dominated. The fact of that is seen in its willingness to let non-western ideas and non-western people successfully bully the American who still retains some principles that made America, “America.” The West has become dominated. The fact of that is seen in our declining birth rates and the unwillingness to accept the fact that our enemies are pursuing the Christian white man’s replacement.

Oddly enough the West has come to the point precisely because of its victories in the past. Because of the false guilt ginned up by our enemies and owned by the weak and insipid many Westerners believe that their system is worthless. It is as if the only desirable conquests were those in which the native minority triumphs over his Western conqueror. Harkening back to the Greek influence on Roman culture, many Westerners seemingly no longer want anything other than to be conquered by the cultures of the minority non-Christian peoples they once subdued.

This encapsulates the Rousseauian ideal of the noble savage. Westerners are convinced that the savage, the derelict, the ne’er do well precisely because he is a savage, derelict and ne’er do well has more nobility than he as a Westerner could ever hope to have and the only way to gain nobility is to become like the third-worlder in customs, mannerisms, and culture.

As such we ink our skin like the savages of old thinking that by doing so we will gain in our “coolness factor.” (And what else is being cool except a new version of being noble?) As such we pierce our body parts like the pagan South Sea Islanders of old thinking that by piercing our bodies we are cleansing our souls. As such we fornicate like the savages we once conquered even going as far as bringing it into the Church.

Civilizations wax and wane. This appears to be our waning time.

d’Aubigne on Principles

Principles, it is said, have no modesty. It is their nature to rule and they steadily assert their privilege. Do they encounter other principles in their paths that would dispute their empire, they give battle immediately. A principle never rests until it has gained the victory, and it cannot be otherwise – with it to reign is to live. If it does not reign supreme it dies.

J. H. Merle d’Aubigne
History of the Reformation of the 16th Century