Contra Dreher on Isker and “The Boniface Option”

“I can’t emphasize this enough: The Boniface Option is a book for angry young men who enjoy being angry, young, and male.”

Rod Dreher
Dreher Column Reviewing Isker’s “Boniface Option”

On the other hand you can buy Dreher’s estrogen dripping books and find your male friends and give group hugs.

” if Prudence is the Queen of the Virtues, then Andrew Isker is a mouth-frothing Jacobin.”

Rod Dreher

Moaning about Rev. Andrew Isker‘s book “Boniface Option.”

Yeah… I’m sure that is the same exact thing they said about Jesus the evening after He kicked Banker tush in the Temple.

” To be bluntly personal, I once believed that divorce could not happen to people like my wife and me, both devout conservative Christians. Yet it did, and not because either of us were unfaithful to our vows. “

Rod Dreher
Dreher Column Reviewing Isker’s “Boniface Option”

I’m speechless.

Clue to Rod… the fact that you’re divorced means that at least one of you were unfaithful to your vows.

Maybe you need to go back and re-read your vows Dude?

Yet it is striking how over and over, Isker exhorts his readers to cultivate hate. Literally, he does this. “The need of the hour is to teach especially Christians to hate the fake and gay globohomo cinematic universe,” he writes. Of the “fake and gay world,” Isker says, “in order for Christendom to return, it is a world you must learn to hate.” And: “You must teach your children to love the things you love and hate the things you hate. You must overcome your aversion to hate.””

Rod Dreher

Complaining about Rev. Andrew Isker‘s “Boniface Option.”

It is amazing to me how dumb Evangelicals are. This is another example. When we call people to hate as clergy it is always with the understanding that that hate is born of love for the opposite of whatever it is we are hating. Love and hate are not isolated realities. I hate the opposite of what I love and I love the opposite of what I hate. Apparently, Dreher is too stupid to get this simple and obvious concept and so he faults Isker for calling the men of the Reformed world to “hate what is evil and to cling to that which is good.”

By all that is holy, our platformed leadership have cow patties for brains.

Interrogating Dr. Stephen Wolfe & His Book, “The Case For Christian Nationalism” III

I.) “This is why the magistrate cannot rubberstamp a ready-made divine civil code; he must apply discernment and prudence to determine public action.

Dr. Stephen Wolfe
The Case for Christian Nationalism — p. 257

First, we have to ask, “by what standard will our fictitious  magistrate arrive at his ‘discernment’ and ‘prudence'(?)”, and, “why should non-magistrates agree with a completely subjectively arrived at ‘discernment’ and ‘prudence’ of magistrates(?)

Secondly, I must say this strikes me as the apex of hubris. How can the creature say with a straight face that a divine civil code coming from God should not be rubberstamped? Does this not suggest that God Himself has no discernment and prudence in determining the divine civil code left to man for man’s public action?

How is this not a form of humanism — man the center?

II.)  “The end (goal) of civil law is the common good of the civil community. The common good is common in that it refers to the good conditions of the whole.”

Dr. Stephen Wolfe
The Case for Christian Nationalism — p. 257

Here we see Bentham and Mill Utilitarianism and pragmatism. The end that is pursued is the common good that provide the best conditions for the whole. But how could that ever be measured successfully? In a nation of several millions who could possibly ever determine the “common good as conditions of the whole” with any accuracy? I, for one, do not trust any group of men to be able to determine the common good. Frankly, invoking the “common good” is just a cover justifying whatever mischievous behavior that any given magistrate might pursue. I’m sure Abraham Lincoln believed that the War of Northern Aggression was the common good for the whole nation.

Is the standard for civil law really man’s common good subjectively arrived at? Should we not insist instead that the end goal of civil law is God’s glory, knowing that if God’s glory is the end goal the consequence will be the common good that provides the best conditions for the whole?

I see humanism creeping through Dr. Wolfe’s model.

III.) “It remains the case that cultural diversity harms civil unity, for it undermines the ability for a community to act with unity for its good. The community will have trouble ordering themselves through law and especially through culture. The consequence of multiculturalism is secularization (i.e. — ‘neutrality’), open conflict, or civil action that suppresses the activity and status of the newcomers. One key factor is the limitation of social power among a diverse population: an individual from one culture cannot easily correct one from another, nor can one people-group offer clear reasons for its behavior to the others. Most likely the injection of diversity, if on a mass scale, will result in a community of strife, distrust, discord, apprehension, and misunderstanding. A disordered body politic is not conducive to a well-ordered soul. As I’ve argued, the most suitable condition for a group of people to successfully pursue the complete good is one of cultural similarity. This is a natural principle of civil communities. Thus, receiving masses of people who are similar with regard to faith and dissimilar in other ways is generally bad policy. This is evident in the fact that the chief practical argument against Christian Nationalism in the Western countries, especially in the US, is that cultural diversity renders it practically impossible.”

Dr. Stephen Wolfe
The Case For Christian Nationalism — p. 200-201

This is a really fine statement. However;

1.) Wolfe talks about “secularization” and I’m not sure exactly what that is. I would prefer to say that the consequence of multiculturalism is not secularization (neutrality) but that multiculturalism is the consequence of a change in the national theological foundation that is being called “secularization” in order to make the change more palatable.

2.) Note especially this statement by Dr. Wolfe;

 I’ve argued, the most suitable condition for a group of people to successfully pursue the complete good is one of cultural similarity. This is a natural principle of civil communities.

This is spot on accurate and it also provide the reason why Kinists insist that inter-racial/inter-cultural/inter-class marriages are on the whole a very bad idea and are to be, generally speaking, adamantly opposed. Marriage is the most foundational of all “civil-communities,” and the expectation should be that not only does cultural similarity obtain but so must racial and even class similarity. Naturally enough, exceptions will exist but exceptions are exceptions and those who insist on being exceptions should expect adversity that is not healthy for a well functioning civil community.

Interrogating Dr. Stephen Wolfe & His Book, “The Case For Christian Nationalism” I

“The Christian nation is not the spiritual kingdom of Christ or the immanentized eschaton; it is not founded in principles of grace or the Gospel.”

Stephen Wolfe
The Case for Christian Nationalism — p. 186

1.) Why is it that a Muslim nation is Allah’s immanentized eschaton but a Christian nation isn’t? Why is it that a Jewish nation is the immanentized eschaton of the Jewish demon god but a Christian nation isn’t a immanentization of the eschaton of the one true God?

When we pray that “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” aren’t we praying for a immanentizing of the eschaton on earth?

2.) Contrary to Wolfe, the Christian nation is the spiritual (and material) kingdom of Christ. What is it that makes the Church spiritual while leaving a family or nation not spiritual? This kind of hard division is the whole platonic move of dividing nature from grace and is a typical Natural Law move. If it is true that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ then this hard subdividing of spiritual and material is unprofitable. It is true that the Church has a different jurisdiction (Word & Sacrament) from the other jurisdictions and that the Church certainly is not sovereign over the nation but all jurisdictions are “spiritual.” If they were not could we talk about Christ having all authority in Heaven and Earth? Could we talk about there not being not one square inch that is not part of Christ’s kingdom?

3.) Look, I get the danger in being over zealous about trying to immanentize the eschaton but can we just admit that all religions have something of the immanentizing of the eschaton in their belief system? Right now the eschaton that is currently being immanentized is the eschaton of the globo-homo crowd. Are we, as Christians supposed to be satisfied with that?

4.) I know for a fact that the signees of the Solemn League and Covenant would have never agreed with Wolfe’s take.

I am more comfortable with the wisdom of Herman Bavinck on this score than Dr. Stephen Wolfe’s offering;

“The kingdom of God requires of the state not to surrender its earthly calling or its unique national particularity, but rather to allow the kingdom of God to penetrate and saturate its people and its nation. In this way alone the kingdom of God is concretized.” 

Cheong In-Wa, Alexander Jun, and R. J. Rushdoony All Agree On Christian Nationalism

“The gospel of Jesus ought to meet the needs of the people in the life and circumstances where each lives; it should give expression to the latent aspirations in the national sub-conscience. Each people has its typical ways of feeling, its different aspirations. These peculiarities should … find expression in the religious life of the people. Here we find the real meaning of Christian nationalism.”

Cheong In-wa
The head of the Department for Religious Education of the Presbyterian Church of Korea, who famously attended the Eleventh World Sunday School Convention in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1932, where this declaration was put forth.

“We are made in God’s image. [As such] we should take the totality of both our Christian identity and our ethnic identity, perhaps in that order, but we are still recognizing our ethnic society.”

Dr. Alex Jun,
Coordinator of the Korean-American Leadership Initiative in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) defending the continued existence of Korean congregations

“The trend towards internationalism is a part of this desire to eliminate all differences, to say that the idea of having different cultures, different standards, different languages is altogether wrong, and so we must eliminate them, return men to supposedly their original one condition, a common language, a common culture, everyone the same; and at the same time we must abolish all differences. It is for this reason that the U.N. Charter declares that it is determined to save men. (Save men) from what (we might ask). From all inequalities and distinctions, and so it says that there must be no discrimination with respect to race, color, or creed. In other words, all religions must be abolished, as well as all races. And so the idea is of course a return to paradise.”

Dr. R. J. Rushdoony
Nakedness — Pocket College Lecture

Those who oppose what In-wa, Jun and Rushdoony are saying here are opposing Christian Nationalism and so are supporting ungodly Internationalism and in doing so oppose Christ and His Word.

R. Scott Clark’s Opining on Christian Nationalism Rejected — Part I

Here I find myself just a tad bit over 3 weeks out from open heart surgery. On top of that I have managed to contract a very slight, but still discernable cold. I am, to say the least, feeling blah and quite lackluster. I have been kicking myself about not blogging more but I have just not had the oomph to do so.

Until now. Leave it to that grand idiot Dr. R. Scott Clark to write with such determined torpidity and stylistic buffoonery to cause me rise out of my languid pose of recovery so as to expose his shallow offerings and lampoon his “insightful reasoning.”

Recently, at his blog, “The Heidelfog” Clark had yet another go at the concept of “Christian Nationalism.” Naturally, as Clark is a stupid man he is opposed to this Biblical concept. It is ironic that a man who wrote a book on “Recovering the Reformed Confessions” would insists that those who wrote the “Solemn League and Covenant” (a steroidal advocacy of Christian Nationalism if there ever was one) and were largely responsible for penning the Westminster Confession of Faith were foursquare opposed to any idea of Christian Nationalism.

I mean R. Scott Clark is trying to tell us that the guys who penned the following were against Christian Nationalism;

WLC#191 Q- What do we pray for in the “second petition” of the Lord’s prayer which is Thy Kingdom Come?

A – the Kingdom of God is to “be countenanced and maintained by the civil magistrate.” 


Q-108 which asks what are the duties required in the second commandment.

A – “the disapproving , detesting, opposing all false worship; and, according to each one’s place and calling, removing it, and all monuments of idolatry.”

The magistrate’s place and calling requires him to remove all false worship and all monuments of idolatry.


Q-118 “What is the charge of keeping the sabbath more specially directed to governors of families, and other superiors?”

The answer says that it is directed to other superiors, because “they are bound not only to keep it themselves, but to see that it be observed by all those that are under their charge.”

Other superiors include the civil magistrate.

It looks to me like Dr. R. Scott Clark needs to recover the Reformed Confessions on the issue of Christian Nationalism because those documents clearly support Christian Nationalism.

But let us not deal merely in generalities. Let us dig into the subterranean chambers of Dr. R. Scott Clark’s and Dr. Kevin DeYoung’s idiocy. Let us take the time to pop their ponderous puss-filled pontifications on the position of Christian Nationalism. In order to do so we examine Clark’s 07 June offering on the same subject on his “The Heidelfog” wherein he quotes Dr. Kevin DeYoung to sustain his vile bile against Biblical Christianity.

First Clark argues that it was the end of sodomy laws combined with the rise of SCOTUS’s Obergefell vs. Hodges decision that made the way for the return of discussion supporting Christian Nationalism. Here Clark is only half right, which means he is completely wrong. Should we be surprised? It is true that pro-sodomy laws and pro-sodomite marriage may have lit the fuse to a return of conversation on Christian Nationalism but the larger issue was the realization of more and more Christians that their nation was embracing a Nationalism that was thoroughly pagan and anti-Christ. More and more Christians began to realize, because of the rise of sodomy and now Tranny-ism and child abuse sex change laws that their nation was indeed embracing a Nationalism but that that Nationalism was pinioned upon hatred of Christianity. So, instead of giving in to the rise of humanist Nationalism a chord was struck to once again begin thinking about Christian Nationalism. So, Clark is right about those issues driving conversation but he is wrong in not realizing that people began waking up to the fact that Nationalism is an inescapable category and that if we have to choose between a anti-Christ Nationalism where sodomy, Tranny-ism, pedophilia and sodomite marriage are expressions of the theology of the land and Christian Nationalism where Biblical morality is the law of the land they would rather rally around the flag of Christian Nationalism.

Clark then goes on to cite Paul Miller’s 2021 Christianity Astray article on Christian Nationalism as a beginning point of conversation on the subject. Clark ties together Miller’s work with Samuel Huntington’s writing on the same subject. Clark then goes out of his way to try and tie Dr. Stephen Wolfe’s “The Case for Christian Nationalism” in with Theonomy — which Clark hates with all the passion of Juliet’s love for Romeo. Clark fails to mention that Wolfe goes out of his way in his volume to communicate that he is no friend to theonomy. Indeed, it is my conviction, as a general equity theonomist that Wolfe’s book fails magnificently precisely because he pins his Christian Nationalism on Natural Law’s anti-theonomic thinking. However, the fact that Wolfe goes out of his way to distance himself from theonomy does not stop the libelous R. Scott Clark from disingenuously seeking to tie Clark to Theonomy. (Alas, if only it were really true.)

Clark next appeals to fellow well educated chucklehead Kevin DeYoung for support for Clarks own vitriol. DeYoung pleas for rejecting Wolfe inveighing;

“The message—that ethnicities shouldn’t mix, that heretics can be killed, that violent revolution is already justified, and that what our nation needs is a charismatic Caesar-like leader to raise our consciousness and galvanize the will of the people—may bear resemblance to certain blood-and-soil nationalisms of the 19th and 20th centuries, but it’s not a nationalism that honors and represents the name of Christ.”

Now, I am 75% finished with Wolfe’s book and I would dearly love to have the page number where Wolfe expressly said that “ethnicities shouldn’t mix.” I wish he had said it. I was disappointed he didn’t say it. As such I’d love the exact quote from DeYoung.

Second, how can DeYoung be a Christian minister living in a land where we still routinely kill the unborn and even the newly born and contend that violent revolution isn’t already justified. On this basis alone I think any pulpit worth its salt would be ashamed to be filled by DeYoung.

Third, while I think it is dang near impossible for a Christian prince to rise in Weimerca I certainly would not be opposed if one did arise to set matters straight. I would love for a Protestant Christian Franco, Pinochet, or Salazar to take the helm in this country. Would that God would raise up a Alfred the Great, a Charlemagne, or a Cromwell to lead this country. Can anyone tell me why DeYoung is opposed to a Christian Prince rising up to destroy all the high places in the nation?

Do not fail to notice how DeYoung subtly suggests, via his “blood and soil” descriptor that all who disagree with him on this are closet Nazis. Can DeYoung please tell me why Christian Nationalism that Wolfe puts forth (and frankly which I think is weak sauce) is not a Nationalism that honors and represents the name of Christ? Methinks when Kevin DeYoung talks like this Kevin DeYoung and Bret L. McAtee are serving different Christs because I think that Jesus Christ would be well pleased with that kind of Christian Nationalism.

At this point R. Scott Clark leaves off from quoting DeYoung and gives us more of his own blather. Red Clark, like any good Commie,  directly ties Christian Nationalism to Nazism, making explicit what DeYoung offered implicitly;

“Segregationism (known among theonomists as “kinism“) and the lust for a “charismatic Caesar-like leader” should cause any decent American’s blood to run cold. These two features were also essential to the very “blood and soil” nationalism of the Nazis. We fought and won a war against these very things. The idea that religious heretics should be put to death is a repudiation of the first amendment of the Constitution and constitutes an anti-American revolution. Miller has seriously understated the nature and intent of the most popular form of Christian Nationalism.”

Here, I, in a decent and warm-bloodily manner, note;

1.) There have been many many Christian Kings throughout history and many many Christian Kings whom God’s people loved. To suggest that a rise of a good Christian King should make any Christian’s blood run cold reveals again that R. Scott Clark is historically ignorant.

2.) Is it R. Scott Clark’s position that any people who want to retain their heritage, traditions, and even their common bonds of blood are automatically wicked? Is the desire to belong to a set people in a known place really the kind of realities that should make the blood of Christians run cold? I mean, I know that thinking that way makes the blood of Cultural Marxists run cold but why should we think that thinking in such a manner as to love people and place to the point of wanting people and place to carry on into the future is something that makes all decent American’s blood run cold?

Honestly, R. Scott Clark saying that about Kinism makes my blood run cold.